| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Sudo Without a Password

I wanted to be able to use my personal laptop without having to enter my password to install software all the time. I know this is a security risk and should never be done on a server or in production, but for me its alright. In order to enable this, we’ll need to edit the […]

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| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Microsoft LAPS

Microsoft LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) solves the issue of the password management with those local user accounts across your Active Directory domain but randomizing and expiring those local password. In this post I’ll go over how to install and setup LAPS. Prerequisites Download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3062591/microsoft-security-advisory-local-administrator-password-solution-laps Should not be installed on a domain controller (will change the […]

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