| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Easy Virtual Machines on Ubuntu/Pop_OS!

I wanted to be able to easily spin up a VM while using my Linux laptop (I use Hyper-V on my work Windows laptop) and came across Gnome Boxes. Boxes allows for easy creation and management of virtual machines on the desktop utilizing QEMU, KVM, and libvirt. This post will cover installing and setting up […]

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| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Ubiquiti VPN on Ubuntu/Pop_OS!

Previously, I posted about adding Meraki VPN On Pop_OS! I also work a lot of Ubiquiti Unifi products and needed to setup a VPN. Here’s what I did to get that working: Software Install I covered this part before in the Meraki post, but I’ll go over it again here. We’ll need to install L2TP […]

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| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Meraki VPN On Ubuntu/Pop_OS!

I’ve been using Ubuntu and Pop_OS! more and more for work and need to setup a VPN back to my office, which utilizes Meraki for the firewall/VPN appliance. Unfortunately, Ubuntu based distros, and probably others, do not support L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) type of VPNs out of the box. Here’s what I did to […]

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| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Sudo Without a Password

I wanted to be able to use my personal laptop without having to enter my password to install software all the time. I know this is a security risk and should never be done on a server or in production, but for me its alright. In order to enable this, we’ll need to edit the […]

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| by TheIneptOne | 1 comment

Backing Up Nagios to Github Automagically

I wanted to backup my Nagios config files without having to backup the whole system as well as keep a revision history. So, I setup a repo on github and created a bash script to automatically push changes to the repo once a day. Git Setup First thing, before we can run the script, we […]

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| by TheIneptOne | 1 comment

NGINX Reverse Proxy with SSL

A reverse proxy server is a type of proxy server that sits behind the firewall in a private network. It redirects client requests to the appropriate backend server and is fantastic to use for your homelab! Prerequisites A base install of Ubuntu LTS with a static IP address A domain or subdomain pointing to the external IP address (like inepttech.com) Firewall ports 80/443 open […]

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| by TheIneptOne | 1 comment

Ubiquiti Unifi Controller Backup

We host our Unifi Controller on Ubuntu and needed a way to back it up to our Windows server (don’t ask). Prerequisites A base install of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with a static IP address When editing a file with Nano, to save your changes to do the following: Ctrl+X to Exit Y to save the edits currently stored in the buffer […]

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| by TheIneptOne | No comments

Adding AD Authentication to Linux

We have a number of Linux servers that we manage for various reason and wanted to integrate Single Sign-on with our Active Directory domain accounts for user login for better security and ease of user management. This has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. As a prerequisite, create a security group in Active Directory that […]

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| by TheIneptOne | No comments

How to Setup a SmokePing Server

SmokePing is a latency measurement tool that will test, store, and display (with pretty graphs) latency and packet lost between your server and another (or external service). Prerequisites More info can be found here: https://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/ A base install of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with a static IP address When editing a file with Nano, to save your changes to do the […]

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| by TheIneptOne | 1 comment

Nagios Web Interface AD Authentication

By default Nagios Core’s web interface only authenticates locally using a .htpasswd file. Each user would have to be manually added to this file along with a few other places within the Nagios configuration files to be able to login and view host/service statuses. When editing a file with Nano, to save your changes to do the […]

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